Crazy Beard for My Ollie
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Crazy Beard for My Ollie
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The Crazy Beard Campaign is back for its tenth year. But this year, we have a new cause in honor of my kiddo, Oliver.

A Little About Our Ollie

Ollie is an incredible kid. He loves running, jumping, climbing and dancing. He has a smile that takes over his whole face and a laugh that lights up the room.

Ollie also has autism.

He was diagnosed this past summer, but we've suspected he was somewhere on the spectrum for the last year and a half or so.

It's been an emotional journey for us all. But it’s also been a journey full of love. Ollie adores our family and friends, loves his teachers and lights up when he sees his therapists.

He's in a great school and is figuring out how to interact with other kids. He has a pretty significant speech delay, but he's finding his words along with new ways to communicate with us every day.

A New Cause for 2022

So this year, it felt right to tie the Crazy Beard campaign to the Organization for Autism Research (OAR). They're doing some pretty amazing research on the science of autism. And on the effectiveness of different therapies. And on promoting life outcomes. And on how to be a supportive caregiver for a kiddo on the spectrum.

The thing I love about them is they aren't trying to "cure autism." They're trying to empower people with autism to live their best lives.

We don't want to cure Ollie's autism. It's part of what makes him who he is. But we want to open as many doors as we can for him down the road to live the kind of life he wants to live.

So this year, during Ollie's birthday month (February), we're fundraising for OAR.

The Quick Backstory of the Crazy Beard Campaign

When November rolled around nine years ago, I had a nasty playoff beard on this face (thanks to the Cardinals). It seemed like a waste to just shave it off. So instead, after a bit of encouragement from friends, I decided to donate my face to charity.

And for the last nine years you all have been incredible. The outpouring of generosity and love has been overwhelming. Together these last nine years, we’ve raised over $19,000 to do a whole lot of good.

How the Campaign Works

The Growth

I’ll grow my beard for all of February. At that point my face will be shaggy, nasty, and ready to be molded in whatever wild pattern you can dream up.

The Shave

After a month of growth, my beard will be in desperate need of a shave. That’s where you come in.

Everyone that donates to this campaign will be entered into a random drawing. No donation is too small. If you give, you’re in the running.

On January 1st, I’ll select a donor at random to pick how I shave my beard. As long as what you suggest isn’t offensive, I’m in.

Here are some past designs for inspiration:

Every Donor Adds Time

The number of donations will determine how long I wear this beard. For each person that donates, I’ll wear the beard for an additional hour. So 24 donors means an additional day. 168 donors would be a full week. It’s up to you all.

Donate Now

If you’re ready to be part of funding some groundbreaking research, click on the Donate button on this page. 

Thanks so much for reading and for your continued interest year after year. You all are the best.

- David

ABOUT Community Fundraising
Name Date Amount Comments
Josh&Katrina Geltman 03/01/2022 $104.37 So sorry we're late to this! What a wonderful kiddo and a great organization! xoxo
Leon Satz 03/01/2022 $26.06  
Anonymous Friend 03/01/2022 $100.00 Glad to know that I am not to late to donate. What a great cause to be a part of.
Sita Kedia 02/28/2022 $154.79 David - What an amazing initiative!
Zack Kahn 02/28/2022 $103.30  
Laura Levy 02/27/2022 $20.91  
Sam Nantz Burbatt 02/27/2022 $25.00 ❤️
Kari Wooderson 02/27/2022 $31.20  
Mackenzie Polete 02/27/2022 $26.06  
Caleb Bradley 02/27/2022 $41.50  
Ann Hartstein 02/26/2022 $250.00 Love to all of you. Loking forward to seeing you soon!! Ann & Cathy
David Hartstein 02/26/2022 $275.00  
Carissa Hidder 02/26/2022 $20.91  
Andrew Serkes 02/26/2022 $100.00  
Lauren Brown 02/26/2022 $100.00 So proud to call you family. We will continue to help you spread this beautiful and necessary message.
Anonymous Friend 02/26/2022 $52.34
Brad and Wendy Tinnon 02/25/2022 $206.28 We'll be praying that Ollie gets the help he deserves. Thanks David for all you do to make the lives of others better!
Beth Johnson 02/25/2022 $30.00 Happy Birthday, Oliver! ?
Susan Bullock 02/23/2022 $51.80 Love and prayers sweet Oliver ! ❤️??
Emily Krebs 02/18/2022 $51.80 For Ollie!!! <3
Anna Stidham 02/13/2022 $25.00  
Jeremy Thomas 02/13/2022 $104.37  
Nikki Coleman 02/13/2022 $25.00 Much love to your sweet family ❤️
Laelle Busch 02/13/2022 $50.00  
Bryan McMahon 02/13/2022 $26.06 Oliie's got himself a great dad to look up to. Hope you and the family are well!
Nick, Merissa, & Delilah Doran 02/13/2022 $51.80 We love Ollie, Ashlee, and the opportunity to make David’s face a work of art!
Melissa Kelly 02/13/2022 $20.91  
Susan Byer 02/11/2022 $103.30 Happy bday Ollie!! Love Matthew and Susan Byer
Amanda & Philip Sholts 02/10/2022 $257.78 OLLIE IS THE BEST! WE LOVE OLLIE!
Suzann,Jean Antoine 02/10/2022 $103.30 Thinking of you all. What a beautiful boy Ollie is. You inspire us. Love the Antoine’s.
Callie Bearman 02/10/2022 $31.20  
Sheila Ashby 02/09/2022 $51.80 We love you Oliver and your love of play, snuggles and sense of adventure.
Lauren Wagner 02/09/2022 $20.91  
Emily Pummill 02/09/2022 $25.00  
Lindsay Gonterman 02/09/2022 $51.80  
Courtney Merrell 02/09/2022 $30.00 Love you all so much!
Christine Ward 02/09/2022 $30.00  
Emily Brennan 02/08/2022 $51.80 For the kindest people I know and their cute kiddo, OLLIE. Love you guys!
Michelle Panneton 02/08/2022 $52.34  
Keith & Cydney Strand 02/07/2022 $154.79 Go Ollie !
Jessica Conick 02/07/2022 $10.61 For Ollie!
Courtney Lane 02/07/2022 $51.80  
Rob Good 02/07/2022 $103.30 I know Ollie is going to love your crazy beard.
Amanda Stekloff 02/07/2022 $103.30  
Vicki Friedman 02/07/2022 $154.79 I am thrilled to support Ollie, the Crazy Beard and the beautiful family who make a difference in the lives of others. Love all around!
Jillian Johnson 02/07/2022 $75.00  
Marie & Jonathan Goldford 02/06/2022 $206.28 We love Ollie and the whole family so much. There's no other cause we'd be happier to support!
Sarah Arnosky Ko 02/06/2022 $51.80  
Todd Cohan 02/06/2022 $103.30 Happy to contribute to a wonderful cause!!
Linville Family 02/06/2022 $26.06 Love this and Ollie so much!
Alex McQueary 02/06/2022 $31.20  
Owen Wipper 02/06/2022 $200.00 I can't think of anything more worthwhile than giving to a cause that may make my best friend Ollie's life a little better. My parents and I love you so much!
Carrie Seida 02/06/2022 $50.00  
Rebekah Jaudes 02/06/2022 $51.80 From Aunt Becky & Uncle Luke; WE LOVE YOU OLLIE!❤️
Daniel Cosgrove 02/06/2022 $26.06  
Will Gilbert 02/06/2022 $50.00  
Nick Mulvihill 02/06/2022 $52.34 Ollie, Ollie, he’s so jolly! (To the tune of the ‘04 classic, “Dave, Dave, He’s So Brave!”)
Leemon Kim 02/06/2022 $31.20 We are happy to donate in honor of Ollie. He’s got all of us rooting for his journey. Love you all to pieces! Mark and Kim
Keri Sipe 02/06/2022 $51.80 Happy to contribute, Ollie is a lucky guy to have such a wonderful family surround him with so much love❤️
Gretchen Carnoske 02/06/2022 $50.00  
Nickie Bartels 02/06/2022 $30.00  
Diane & Steve Cohan 02/06/2022 $50.00 Happy to support the cause!
Michael Rosen 02/06/2022 $50.00 As a former winner of the crazy beard drawing, I make this donation with authority!
Stanford and Lynne Lamberg 02/06/2022 $103.30 Thanks for letting us share. Stan and Lynne
Passanante Jean 02/06/2022 $100.00 This is a wonderful cause. Donating in honor of your Willie and my friend Alec, with love.
Jessica Cornell 02/06/2022 $26.06 For Ollie and his wonderful parents.
Marissa Haberlach 02/05/2022 $51.80  
Barry Bonds 02/05/2022 $154.79 I may not be in the hall of fame (yet!), but with Ollie behind me anything is possible!
Kim Wiesler 02/05/2022 $51.80  
Pops and Macky Xoxo 02/05/2022 $288.67 Oliver - you and your Mom and Dad bring boundless joy to our lives every day!
Anonymous Friend 02/05/2022 $515.24  
Melissa Youngblood 02/04/2022 $20.91  
Nancy Liberman 02/04/2022 $20.91 What a powerful message! Thanks for including us! Love and warm hugs! Nancy and Keith Liberman
Matt Menietti 02/04/2022 $26.06 Happy to support!
David Rosen 02/04/2022 $50.00 To honor Ollie, one very awesome dude, in his journey
Ellen & John W & S 02/04/2022 $200.00 What beautiful words & a wonderful cause! You are all so special to us & we are happy to support. ❤️
Anne Lucas 02/04/2022 $25.00 Here's to Ollie! Such an incredible cause. Well done, DH! Sending lots of love to your family.
Jon Franko 02/04/2022 $75.00  
Allyson Lough 02/04/2022 $31.20  
Olivia Hitchell 02/04/2022 $26.06  
Anonymous Friend 02/03/2022 $51.80  
Alex Solomon 02/03/2022 $77.55  
The Nykins - 02/03/2022 $206.28 What a wonderful cause! Thanks for doing this and I’m glad to help support!
Mark Kizelshteyn 02/03/2022 $100.00  
Erin Fults 02/03/2022 $26.06  
Drew Steinhoff 02/03/2022 $50.00  
Malashock Family 02/03/2022 $51.80  
Anonymous Friend 02/03/2022 $206.28 Love you so much, Ollie - and your parents! ❤️
Hunter Kellett 02/03/2022 $31.20  
Joe and Zeena Goldenberg 02/03/2022 $51.80  
  Total $7,268.69