NES Spectrum Marathon 2019
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NES Spectrum Marathon 2019

Welcome to the NES Spectrum Marathon 2019!


What are we doing?

The NES Spectrum Marathon is an annual, charity marathon stream in which we play video games on the NES, that you choose!, for 50+ hours.

Each of us have friends and family who either have autism, or have children who are affected by autism. In doing research for which charity we wanted to raise money for, the Organization for Autism Research seemed to be the most honest and transparent of the autism-related charities. 100% of the money you donate to us will go straight to the OAR organization, and from that money, 87% of it will go directly to the research and services that they provide. All donations, of course, are 100% tax deductible.

Who are we?

Inspired by the NESathon, a similar charity marathon stream that raises money for the MS Society of Canada, we wanted to host a similar event for a cause that affects many people that we love, or their loved ones. The creators of this event are Kevin Hanley, a NES programmer who has released many games for the NES system, and his good friend Kyndal Howard.

When are we doing it?

The 2019 NES Spectrum Marathon will be taking place September 6-8. It will begin on September 6th at 2pm central standard time and run for 50 straight hours. After the 50 hour mark, the marathon will continue to go until the donations stop and we have played all of the games that were donated for.

Where are we doing it?

Over on Twitch! Head over to and tune in! Watch all you want, chat all you want, and more than anything, enjoy yourself! We are doing this because we love retro games and we want to share this love with everyone, while raising money for a great cause that we care greatly for. Come hang out!

Donation rules

  • $20 - 1 game of your choosing
  • $35 - 2 games of your choosing
  • $40 - 3 games of your choosing
  • $60 - 6 games of your choosing

We fully intend to play the game you donate for as long as we can, giving it a very good attempt. Please know that 1) the length of time that we play a game is inherently dependent on how many games there are in the current queue and 2) There are 776 games in the American NES library (not to mention lots of fan translations, hacks, foreign games, and homebrews) so there is a very good chance that the person(s) playing the game(s) you donated for have never played them! Go easy on us, and if you have hints/tips/tricks you'd like to share, please do! We encourage and appreciate all feedback and interaction!

For every game you donate for, you will be awarded one entry into our prize raffles. When you click on the Donate button, there will be a place for a "Donation Message." It is in this box in which you will type the games you would like us to play. We are using a flash cartridge with all games available on it, so any of the original licensed and unlicensed games will be availalble for your donation request. If you are a developer or game hacker and you have an original creation you would like us to play, this can be arranged as well. Please go into the Twitch channel chat and let it be known that this is something you would like and we can work out the details there.

Prize Raffles

Many prizes have been donated by our generous sponsors, and will be up for grabs for all people who have donated.

Prize Pack #1:

Eskimo Bob, complete in box
Alfonzo's Arctic Adventure, complete in box

Prize Pack #2:

retroUSB CLEAR wireless NES controller, in box
Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991 reproduction cartridge
Super Media Bros. 4gb flash drive

Prize Pack #3:

UXO, Unexploded Ordinance, complete in box
Freecell, complete in box
Lizard, complete in box, limited white edition

Prize Pack #4:

UXO, Unexploded Ordinance, complete in box
1007 Bolts, cartridge only
Rekt, cartridge only
Super Media Bros. 4gb flash drive

Prize Pack #5:

zi instant collection. Entire chiptune cartridge catalog. (4 cartridges)

Prize Pack #6:

R-Type III & Super R-Type Collector's Edition (SNES)
Bite the Chili sampler cartridge

Prize Pack #7:

Raspberry Pi NES Cartridge (may or may not contain completely legal ROMs)


Many, many thanks to our generous sponsors.


One can't discuss the NES aftermarket game and hardware scene without mentioning Brian Parker from retroUSB. Many times. Brian almost single-handedly propelled the homebrew scene (at least in a physical form) into existence when he introduced not only new, original PCB boards to put newly created games on, but also created an injection mold to produce new cartridges to house the games on, and in various colors! With the release of Sudoku by Al Bailey back in 2007, the homebrew scene was offically on thet map. The first game released with all new parts, many followed, including Ultimate Frogger Champion and Battle Kid. In addition to creating all new parts for homebrewers to create with, retroUSB also released the PowerPak, a flash device that developers (and consumers alike) could load games onto to play on their actual NES consoles. But Brian had bigger dreams, and followed this creation up with the AVS, a brand new system that allowed gamers to play NES and Famicom games in glorious HD featuring compatibility with all of the original controllers and peripherals that worked on the original systems.


Have you ever wanted to find out more about a homebrew game, but didn't want to spend the time reading a lot of boring text (like you're doing right now)? Well, you're in luck. Peek-a-Brews! is an alcohol-fueled let's play/review YouTube show featuring various homebrews that was created in an attempt to get the word out more about some of the developers and games that we know and love. Past episodes have featured such games as Battle Kid, Lizard, Super Russian Roulette, and many more! Be sure to subscribe and join in as they take a close look at various NES goodies. In interesting ways!

Michael Chiaramonte

Michael has been one of the most educational NES homebrew developers in the modern era. Hosting a weekly livestream as he develops a NES game from scratch, he has been the gateway into many people learning about the hobby and getting interested in developing for the system Whether it's the NES Programming livestream, the Zero Page video tutorials, or the homebrew developer interviews, Michael has all aspects of NES homebrew covered!

Bite the Chili Productions

A programmer by trade, Nathan Tolbert's passion and love for classic gaming spans many systems. Planting his roots creating homebrew games for the Atari 2600 like his adventure game called Anguna 2600, Nathan quickly moved on to creating some truly unique and fun titles for the NES, including Spacey McRacey and Robo-Ninja Climb. His projects have been featured in numerous nesdev homebrew competitions and he has been interviewed on podcasts like The Assembly Line. As if that isn't enough, Nathan has taken his Aguna series to the Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS. For more info, please check out his website.

Neodolphino Productions

Justin Orenich lives and breathes NES homebrew. Beta testing for numerous projects by a multitude of different programmers, Justin quickly established himself as a reliable and dedicated tester, suggesting many ideas and changes that would define and shape projects that wouldn't have been nearly as good without his creative input. As the brainchild behind Neodolphino Productions, Justin has released some games that some of us who grew up playing classic computer games would recognize, Minesweeper and Free Cell, both of which he has released on the NES as UXO and Free Cell, respectively.

Chris Brand

Chris Brand, better known as Deadeye Bit Gamer, as been a strong proponent and collector of NES Homebrews for years, doing whatever he can to help spread the word and get people excited about new and upcoming projects. He can be found on Twitter and Instagram spreading the love and showcasing his incredible and ever growing collection.


One of the premiere chiptune artists in the NES homebrew scene for going on a decade, zi has contributed music to MANY homebrew games and released four of his chiptune albums on cartridges for all to enjoy. Never one to rest on his laurels, Thomas is almost certainly working on new music as we speak, and probably writing some very clever forum posts that are waiting to be deciphered.

Brad Smith

Brad Smith is one of the most brilliant minds in the homebrew scene, having written many descriptive tutorials and helping any developer who needs it. Brad developed one of the most impressive NES games ever made, Lizard, as well as smaller games like NESert Golf, which uses the SNES mouse as a controller. Also an accomplished musician, Brad transcribed Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album and released it in chiptune form, impressing everyone who ever heard it. An avid fan of soup, his quest for the perfect soup bowl is still thought to be ongoing to this day.

Eric of Troy

Eric is a man of many talents. One day you show up to an expo and a strange man hands you a bottle which smells of bananas. You drink it because you're thirsty and curious. Bananas can be quite refreshing! The next thing you know you're freestyle walking around National Harbor, Maryland in single degree weather because you're both drunk and trying to stay warm. Thank you Eric. Eric also has super luscious hair that I'm pretty jealous about.

ABOUT Community Fundraising
Name Date Amount Comments
John Merriam 09/19/2021 $100.00 Thank you for doing this!
Jon Piornack 09/08/2019 $20.00 your choice!
Kevin Hershberger 09/08/2019 $100.00 K3VBOT's Homebrew Highlights
Keenan Hecht 09/08/2019 $60.00 Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
Andrew Kuntz 09/08/2019 $60.00  
Kevin Hanley 09/08/2019 $20.00  
Larry Irwin 09/07/2019 $60.00 Battle Kid (1 or 2). For the rest... let chat decide, I guess
Alex Stewart 09/07/2019 $20.00 RIP the stream :(
Ken Yuhas 09/07/2019 $30.00 Way to go guys! Keep it on!
Chris Brand 09/07/2019 $10.00 Welcome back
Jasens Mom 09/07/2019 $12.00 Hi sweetie! Its so nice to see you playing with your little friends. Did you take my shoes again? Hugs and kisses, mom
Peter Grisafi 09/07/2019 $35.00 Nomolos & Laser Invasion
Stephen Barbieri 09/07/2019 $50.00 G.I. Joe (U) [!] Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Tengen) [!] SimCity (Prototype) (At least one between 8 PM and 11 PM CDT, if possible. Thanks!!)
Eugene Myers 09/07/2019 $20.00 Thanks for doing this, and good luck! My game choice is Mappy Land!
AARON EDELMAN 09/07/2019 $20.00 Play Space Shuttle project
Chris Davis 09/07/2019 $10.00  
Elaine and Mike McIntosh 09/07/2019 $20.00 You guys rock for doing this!
Debi Perkins 09/07/2019 $40.00 You guys are the best!
Kristy Merriam 09/07/2019 $100.00 AtHomeDadGamer's wife here... Thank you so much for supporting a cause that is near and dear to our hearts... you guys are awesome.
Whoopie Goldberg 09/07/2019 $5.25 Thank you everyone for being such a huge fan.
Scott Hyatt (skadiet) 09/07/2019 $20.00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (any of them)
Joe & Shana McIntosh 09/07/2019 $500.00 Game request is Defenders of Dynatron City. This game was later adapted into an animated pilot by DIC Entertainment featuring the voices of Whoopi Goldberg and Tim Curry.
Justin Orenich 09/07/2019 $67.75 Jackal Tecmo Cup Soccer Jaws River City Ransom Maniac Mansion . . . . . . ............ ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES
Dave Kolesar 09/07/2019 $20.00 It's capt! How about some Rollerblade Racer this year?
Tim Wurdinger 09/07/2019 $20.00  
Sean Robinson 09/06/2019 $40.00 Good luck with the fundraiser! My game requests: Maniac Mansion Godzilla 2 Dick Tracy (first clue is at 5th and B Warehouse, that’s where Steve is!!)
Chris Brand 09/06/2019 $40.00 Good luck over the weekend! You da man. Requests: The Mad Wizard, Marble Madness, and Nightshade.
Nathan Tolbert 09/06/2019 $20.00 Let's do The Guardian Legend!
Sean Robinson 09/06/2019 $1.00 In memory of the original stream
Joe & Shana McIntosh 09/06/2019 $20.00 Get some multiplayer Super Dodge Ball going!
Carol Hanley 09/06/2019 $20.00  
Sean Robinson 09/06/2019 $5.00  
Michael Chiaramonte 09/06/2019 $50.00  
Kevins Mom 09/06/2019 $18.00  
Chelsea Howard 09/06/2019 $20.00 Micro Mages with four players, please:)
Bradley Smith 09/06/2019 $20.00 Please play NESert Golfing. It's up to 4 player and has optional mouse support. ROM:
Ted Yates 09/06/2019 $40.00 Faxanadu Nibs N Dibs Super C Ghost N Goblins
Alex Goulet 09/06/2019 $20.00  
Chris Cacciatore 09/06/2019 $20.00 R.C. Pro-Am Racing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matthew Beppler 09/06/2019 $50.00 Have fun and good luck, guys! Requests are Spook-o'-tron and Fishing Challenge.
Derek Andrews 09/06/2019 $25.00 Tengen Tetris
Athome DadGamer 09/06/2019 $69.00 Rescue Rangers Super Mario 2 A Nightmare on Elm Street Darkwing Duck Bubble Bobble Mega Man
Paul Griffin 09/06/2019 $20.00  
AARON EDELMAN 09/06/2019 $100.00  
Ferris Bueller 09/05/2019 $42.00  
  Total $2,060.00