I just comitted to run the 2016 London Marathon as part of RUN FOR AUTISM through OAR (Organization for Autism Research). I am doing this for a great cause affecting 1 in 68 children across the globe.
I pledged to raise $5,000 for the OAR, here is where I am asking for all your support.
To show you my gratitude and dedication I have now embarked on a 6 months journey of sweat and pain to complete the Marathon in a time of 3 hours and 30 minutes, MAXIMUM!
This will be my first marathon so no need to say that it will be tough. For those of you who know me you can trust that I will not dissapoint you. I will run this Marathon under my set time even if I have to spend the following week being fed by drip...
Please consider a donation to this most wonderful cause. Every little bit helps.
Working together, we will find the missing pieces of the Autism Puzzle! Visit: http://www.researchautism.org/ to learn more about the wonderful programs your donation is supporting.
Did you know -
Families affected by autism continually have to fight for their children by searching for treatment and resources, educating themselves about this condition and spreading information to teachers, peers and other stakeholders. OAR (Organization for Autism Research) takes over a piece of this burden for families. 83 cents of every dollar raised funds innovative research to help families find answers to their most urgent questions.
OAR places much of its focus on research that benefits children and adults, their caregivers and educators. In 2015, OAR awarded 10 research grants totaling $17,849. With these grants, OAR has awarded over $189,000 in research grants to 105 graduate researchers since 2004. OAR also helps individuals with autism directly. Last year, the group awarded 40 scholarships to students with autism pursuing post-secondary education opportunities. OAR is the only autism non-profit that focuses solely on applied research.
Funds raised by the RUN FOR AUTISM--2016 London Marathon team will support the Organization for Autism Research (OAR). OAR funds research and programs that help parents, families, and educators in the autism community on a daily basis. To learn more, visit www.researchautism.org.
I hope I can count on you to support my marathon run by contributing to OAR!
Supporters | |||
Name | Date | Amount | Comments |
Westlake Chemical Corportation - Albert Chao | 05/20/2016 | $1,620.00 | John Salmons | 04/23/2016 | $30.00 | Good luck! Try not to get lost! | Seif El Attal | 04/21/2016 | $25.00 | Good luck, Harold! | Ed Wardle | 04/20/2016 | $50.00 | Eliza Chubb | 04/19/2016 | $175.00 | Go go go ! | Thomas Sargeant | 04/19/2016 | $30.00 | Good luck mate! Go well! Tom | Arnaud Van Schevensteen | 04/18/2016 | $100.00 | Run Forest, Run ! | Gilles Van Schevensteen | 04/18/2016 | $100.00 | Go on Bro | Chad Johnson | 04/18/2016 | $50.00 | Run Harold Run! | Leo Jennings | 04/18/2016 | $40.00 | I hope you'll be carrying the digital radio | ITC Rubis Terminal Antwerp NV | 04/13/2016 | $500.00 | Benny Perlberger | 04/11/2016 | $25.00 | Erik Nijhuis (Vopak Rotterdam) | 03/22/2016 | $300.00 | Lot's of luck Harold and all our support for this great cause. | Andreas Mikkelsen | 02/24/2016 | $100.00 | Nathan Aldridge | 01/28/2016 | $50.00 | I'm going to be waiting with doob at the end! | Eric De Lange (Inspectorate) | 01/19/2016 | $500.00 | We wish you lots of good luck Harold with your run for autism!!! | Sophie Rose | 11/29/2015 | $30.00 | Whoops. Didn't know it was in dollars. | Sophie Rose | 11/29/2015 | $40.00 | Remember to rent a balcony at some point a long the race so I can wave you on ;) | Christine Van Hoecke | 11/25/2015 | $150.00 | Howard McDonald | 11/17/2015 | $30.00 | You'll run as fast as Kenyans! | Veronica Bulka Castillo | 11/16/2015 | $20.00 | En tiempos turbios, gracias por ser el ejemplo y demostrar que la solidaridad y amor SI existen! Thanks for all you do, Vero. | William Chubb | 11/16/2015 | $75.00 | Good luck! | Rooty Babooty | 11/13/2015 | $20.00 | Serra Kucukoglu | 11/13/2015 | $100.00 | So happy to see you running a marathon for such a noble cause. You have my full support. A big kiss will be waiting for you at the finish line :) | Aly ElAttal | 11/11/2015 | $50.00 | make papa proud | Bradley Chehab | 11/11/2015 | $150.00 | Kill it! | Vicki Bordewich | 11/10/2015 | $50.00 | What a wonderful cause and £50 bonus if you make under 3 hours 30 Great challenge, love Vicki and Nikko | Winston Preece | 11/10/2015 | $10.00 | Having competed with you before, I know you will destroy that 3.30 time Harold. Great cause as well. Go well! | Anonymous Friend | 11/10/2015 | $30.00 | Keep going Harold! 6 months training and completing sub 3:30 - neither will be easy! | Maarten Van Ess | 11/09/2015 | $50.00 | Please please please just beat Jose | Emily Garnett | 11/09/2015 | $30.00 | Great cause! very proud of you, I would be incapable of ever running a marathon! | Emily Garnett | 11/09/2015 | $20.00 | Nina Martinez | 11/09/2015 | $10.00 | Well done for doing this Harold! | Phoebe Hugh | 11/09/2015 | $15.00 | Good luck! Really good cause x | Adham ROBIN | 11/09/2015 | $30.00 | Harold Van Schevensteen | 11/09/2015 | $200.00 | Karoline Skippervold | 11/09/2015 | $30.00 | So so proud of you!! | Margaux Lunt | 11/09/2015 | $30.00 | Super idée! | Michael Loeffel | 11/09/2015 | $50.00 | G'Luck!!! | Alexandra Laliberte | 11/09/2015 | $35.00 | Guy Demetriadi | 11/05/2015 | $50.00 | I might need you to carry me the last few miles! Good luck!! |
Total | $5,000.00 |