Most of you will probably think I have gone crazy, but this is the year Tricon Energy is celebrating 20 years and I have decided to run the 2016 London Marathon on April 24th, as part of RUN FOR AUTISM through OAR (Organization for Austism Research)
I would not classify myself as a long distance runner, but inspired by the efforts of my colleagues at Tricon Cares I decided to join the London Marathon and support the terrific work OAR Organization for Autism Research as one of the events to celebrate Tricon 20 years in business.
I hope that trough my commitment, the celebration of our company terrific milestone and your support, we can help raise some serious funds for the foundation. My commitment is to do a minimum of $5,000….but let’s not be shy and please help me with as much as you can; the cause is exceptional and the balance of effort vs results is well worth it.
Working together, we will find the missing pieces of the Autism puzzle!!!
to learn more about the wonderful programs your donation is supporting
Did you know:
Families affected by autism continually have to fight for their children by searching for treatment and resources, educating themselves about this condition and spreading information to teachers, peers and other stakeholders. OAR (Organization for Autism Research) takes over a piece of this burden for families. 83 cents of every dollar raised funds innovative research to help families find answers to their most urgent questions.
Funds raised by the RUN FOR AUTISM--2016 London Marathon team will support the Organization for Autism Research (OAR). OAR funds research and programs that help parents, families, and educators in the autism community on a daily basis. To learn more, visit
I hope I can count on you to support my marathon run by contributing to OAR!
Supporters | |||
Name | Date | Amount | Comments |
Jonathan Ellisor | 05/25/2016 | $250.00 | Westlake Chemical Corportation - Albert Chao | 05/20/2016 | $454.00 | Sanjay Moolji | 05/13/2016 | $100.00 | Bernardo Alvarez | 05/04/2016 | $2,000.00 | Stena Weco | 04/28/2016 | $500.00 | Eric Montfajon | 04/27/2016 | $150.00 | Ignacio es un placer poder participar indirectamente de tu corrida.Atentos saludos Eric | The Ebbesen Family | 04/26/2016 | $1,000.00 | Ignacio and Team Tricon. Fantastic! | Phillip Ribbeck | 04/25/2016 | $200.00 | Hope the run was fantastic. Great job on the fundraising for a great cause. | Alejandro González | 04/24/2016 | $200.00 | Michael Hurley | 04/24/2016 | $1,000.00 | Pablo Henning | 04/24/2016 | $42.00 | Good luck | Pedro Led Lopez | 04/23/2016 | $50.00 | Te envío una pequeña aportación espero que os sirva | Amit Bansal | 04/23/2016 | $100.00 | All the best Nacho. Best wishes | JOSE MIGUEL FALCON | 04/23/2016 | $60.00 | El maraton no lo ganaras, pero esta competicion, que es mas importante, si que la vas a conseguir | Tracy Lawler | 04/23/2016 | $100.00 | nice job reaching the goal! | Dick Heinle | 04/23/2016 | $500.00 | Cobgratulations on this most worth cause and what away to celebrate Tricon's 20th anniversary. From all your supporters and freinds at Formosa USA. | Anonymous Friend | 04/23/2016 | $300.00 | Maria Chapa | 04/23/2016 | $100.00 | Maru Torre | 04/23/2016 | $250.00 | Felicidades por su labor | Begoña Farré | 04/22/2016 | $200.00 | Arturo Susarrey | 04/22/2016 | $50.00 | Anne and Albert Chao | 04/22/2016 | $200.00 | Go for it Nacho! anne and albert | Anonymous Friend | 04/21/2016 | $50.00 | Antonio M. Prida | 04/21/2016 | $250.00 | Happy to support Tricon Energy and Nacho Torras. Congratulations for the 20th anniversary! | Francisco Zorrilla | 04/21/2016 | $500.00 | Dale duro Nacho!! | Anonymous Friend | 04/20/2016 | $50.00 | Great job! Be safe. | Gabriel & Teresa Alonso Sancho | 04/20/2016 | $500.00 | Enhorabuena por la iniciativa y mucha suerte en Londres! | Roberto Dahlgren | 04/20/2016 | $500.00 | Run Forrest, run!! | Kyle Suhl | 04/20/2016 | $35.00 | One foot in front of the other. | Anonymous Friend | 04/19/2016 | $250.00 | Walter Haynes | 04/19/2016 | $50.00 | Jose Lima | 04/19/2016 | $250.00 | let's do 5k together ! | Anonymous Friend | 04/19/2016 | $300.00 | Ramón Hernan | 04/19/2016 | $200.00 | Mucho ánimo Campeon. | Ricardo Dorador | 04/19/2016 | $300.00 | GOOD LUCK FROM EVERYBODY AT TRICHEM MEXICO'S OFFICE | ERIC KRUSEMAN | 04/19/2016 | $200.00 | VAMOS NACHO!!!! SI SE PUEDE. | Damian Gumpel | 04/19/2016 | $100.00 | Rafael Bohorquez | 04/19/2016 | $50.00 | JD Raull | 04/19/2016 | $150.00 | Vamos Nacho!!!! | Quinn Hebert | 04/18/2016 | $265.00 | You are starting to remind me of Forest Gump, Run Nacho Run!!! | Stratis Katsiris KIK Custom Products | 04/18/2016 | $2,000.00 | Jim Bryan | 04/18/2016 | $1,000.00 | To Nacho and team...stay healthy and run safe. | Bernt Netland | 04/18/2016 | $500.00 | Nacho, Run strong!! Dis | Ricardo Perusquia | 04/18/2016 | $200.00 | Kiki Dikmen | 04/18/2016 | $100.00 | Anonymous Friend | 04/18/2016 | $500.00 | Nacho, suerte en Londres! Ojala corras mas de lo que el Barcelona corre ultimamente....felicidades por triplicar tu meta de donativos. | Susana Miro | 04/17/2016 | $50.00 | Te envío todo mi apoyo en esta gran iniciativa. GO RUN!! | Roberto Herrera | 04/17/2016 | $100.00 | Muchas felicidades y continuados éxitos Nacho! | Jim Van Ess | 04/17/2016 | $100.00 | GFI; Go for it, Ignacio! | Bob Patel | 04/17/2016 | $100.00 | Peter Hartley | 04/17/2016 | $100.00 | Go Nacho . Bloody well done mate . Here-here | Carlo Guarino | 04/16/2016 | $100.00 | Ignacio, Jose, have fun and smell the roses..:-) | Toshiaki Ansai | 04/16/2016 | $50.00 | Good luck. Will buy you beer after the marathon. | Ebbesen Family | 04/16/2016 | $500.00 | Nacho, Good Luck - we are proud of the effort you and your colleagues are making. Every runner in your group under 4 hours gets another $100. Commitment followed by Action = Results. | Carlos Bataller | 04/16/2016 | $25.00 | Anonymous Friend | 04/16/2016 | $25.00 | Good luck Nacho!! | Grant Evans | 04/16/2016 | $300.00 | Good Luck Nacho! Congratulations on 20 years! Great cause your doing this for as well!! | Paco Calza | 04/16/2016 | $50.00 | Go for it Nacho, best of luck | Luis Y Blanca Roger | 04/16/2016 | $50.00 | Adelante con la iniciativa!! | Guy Demetriadi | 02/25/2016 | $100.00 | Good luck Nacho. See you at the finish line! | Carlos Jimenez | 02/18/2016 | $50.00 | Mucha suerte y fantastica iniciativa | Carlos Fernández | 02/16/2016 | $40.00 | Hope you will make it! Best. | Gonzalo & Ana Iturmendi | 02/14/2016 | $200.00 | Javier De Pedro | 02/08/2016 | $200.00 | Entrénate bien y a lograrlo!!! Felicidades | Gabriel Y Adriana Gadsden | 02/06/2016 | $500.00 | Gran labor Nacho! | Fabian De Pedro | 02/03/2016 | $100.00 | Suerte Nacho, felicidades! | Anonymous Friend | 02/02/2016 | $200.00 | Raymond Groeneveld | 02/02/2016 | $100.00 | Oniel Mendenhall | 02/01/2016 | $200.00 | Good Luck!!! | Anonymous Friend | 02/01/2016 | $35.00 | No walking! Buena suerte! | Raul Elorduy | 01/31/2016 | $100.00 | Gracias Nacho por ayudarnos a apoyar esta causa que afecta a tantos niños incluyendo nuestro sobrino | Miguel Torras | 01/30/2016 | $300.00 | Mil gracias por la iniciativa. Eres el mejor | Miguel Torras | 01/30/2016 | $300.00 | Mil gracias por la iniciativa. Eres el mejor | Erna Soto | 01/30/2016 | $100.00 | Felicidades Compadre!! Mucha suerte en Londres! | Enrique Villarreal | 01/30/2016 | $50.00 | Mauricio Fabre | 01/30/2016 | $500.00 | Loles Torras | 01/30/2016 | $300.00 | Pedro Saiz | 01/30/2016 | $100.00 | Venga Nachito!! A romper ls 4:00!! | Ricardo Charvel | 01/30/2016 | $200.00 | Nacho felicidades por animarte a hacer un maratón, es una gran experiencia....y lo subes admirable es este esfuerzo por recabar fondos que estás haciendo. Te mando un fuerte abrazo! | Eduardo Alaman | 01/30/2016 | $20.00 | Vamos Nachito Animoooo! | Peter Staartjes | 01/30/2016 | $100.00 | Nuria Y Pepe Torras | 01/30/2016 | $200.00 | Don't stop!!!! | Anonymous Friend | 01/30/2016 | $435.00 | Mucha Suerte lo vas a lograr en menos de 4 hrs | HIgi Y Carmen Torras | 01/30/2016 | $250.00 | Run, run , run | Antonio Fajer | 01/30/2016 | $500.00 | Matthew Garcia-Prats | 01/29/2016 | $25.00 | Good luck! | Luis Graham | 01/29/2016 | $100.00 | Good Luck!! | JD Raull | 01/29/2016 | $300.00 | Manolo Sánchez | 01/29/2016 | $50.00 | Suerte! | Antoine Griezmann | 01/29/2016 | $25.00 | Good Luck Nacho!! | Ignacio Gil | 01/29/2016 | $500.00 | Marisa Tellez | 01/29/2016 | $100.00 | Felicidades Nacho! | Antonio Salman-Alonso | 01/29/2016 | $100.00 | Neil Chapman | 01/28/2016 | $500.00 | Take London by storm, Nacho! | Paco DeLaTorre | 01/28/2016 | $50.00 | Suerte Nacho! | Irineu Baldasso | 01/28/2016 | $100.00 | Boa Sorte Nacho | Ulyses Balderas | 01/28/2016 | $70.00 | Buena suerte Nacho! Mucho exito! | Luis Mtz. | 01/28/2016 | $120.00 | Don't forget to wear your "Real Madrid" soccer shirt" !!!!!! | Adrian Badescu | 01/28/2016 | $50.00 | Alex MAYRAL | 01/28/2016 | $50.00 | Que crack! Suerte! Me ha gustado lo de la V ... | Jose Carlos Lombana | 01/28/2016 | $500.00 | Suerte Nacho!!! | Guillermo Riutort | 01/28/2016 | $50.00 | Juan Carlos Y Javier Abascal | 01/28/2016 | $500.00 | Mucho éxito en la carrera | Jose Pascual | 01/28/2016 | $75.00 | Mucha Suerte !! | Alejandro Muñoz-Ledo | 01/28/2016 | $100.00 | En efecto mas rapido que cambiar al DT del Madrid! Suerte mi Nacho y Visca Barca! | Luis Y Blanca Roger | 01/28/2016 | $50.00 | Dale duro Nacho !! | Tex Torgersen | 01/28/2016 | $200.00 | Boa Sorte ! Run under 4 hrs or money Back ! | Mauricio Ruiz | 01/28/2016 | $150.00 | Mucha suerte Nacho! | Maria Isabel Torras | 01/19/2016 | $200.00 | todo viene del mismo cochinito jaja | Luciana Monteiro Gomes | 01/12/2016 | $30.00 | Very proud of your initiative. Good luck !!! | Anonymous Friend | 01/11/2016 | $250.00 | Buena Suerte!!! | Carlos Perez | 01/11/2016 | $150.00 |
Total | $27,231.00 |